A Southern Life, adventures, crepe myrtles, dogs, magnolia trees, pecan, pecan trees, Pets, red maples, tractor
I was sitting here trying to remember what I’ve done since last week – haven’t we all had that particular LARGE lapse in memory? And, then, as I am prone to do when working at my dining room table, I looked up and started gazing out the front door. Then, it hit me, at least what I did yesterday.
Hubby and I spent the bulk of the day outside yesterday working in the yard. It was his birthday and that is one of his favorite things to do – yard work. I know – right? That might (
probably, definitely) would NOT be my first choice, but what the hay! Our driveway is lined with crepe myrtles that are sprouting buds, and a few blooms are starting to open, which means they are beginning to droop even lower across the driveway. Driving down the driveway is becoming quite the hazard, especially in our new truck. It’s like getting hit in the head with branches as you drive.
Southern Living posts an article yearly about people like Hubby – only he’s not as bad as he used to be now that the trees are huge – they refer to them as bushwhackers. Yep! That’s what I call them too. He will go out to trim a few wayward branches and the next thing you know, we need the tractor with the trailer to haul all of the branches that have been “trimmed”. That was the kind of day Hubby was having yesterday. He trimmed the twenty or so crepe myrtles down the drive and then went on to the magnolia tree and the red maples, and the pecan trees. Calypso and Ryka were doing their best to stay out from under the fallen branches as they picked shady spots under the very trees he was trimming.
I thought I would get in the action by trimming the azaleas around the front porch. That is a yearly chore we perform after blooming season. The bushes are hardy and grow quickly. Famous last thoughts of mine were something akin to don’t cut the electric cord. I think I managed to trim about four feet before I caught the cord – right after I almost caught my leg. So much for that. Hubby took a break and fixed the cord and after wrapping it in miles of electrical tape, decided it would be safer if I held the cord while he trimmed the azaleas. Smart man!
You might think that’s the only
mishap adventure of the day – sadly (shaking head) it wasn’t. You must admit – I must be married to a Saint in the making. He hooked up the tractor to one of the trailers and was working his way down the drive, stopping to load up the branches when I, otherwise known as “Lucy”, decided to lend a hand. It’s been a while since I’ve driven the tractor and you would think it’s like getting back on a bike – well, maybe for someone else! (Did I tell you that I was banned from driving the tractor after I hit the barn?)
I was making the turn off the drive into the front yard and turned too sharp and came to a grinding halt. What did you expect? Please don’t tell me this surprises you! Do you not follow my blog and adventures? Once again, Hubby to the rescue and after several different attempts (with me giving direction of course) he managed to move the tractor and trailer into a straighter path. This took a little doing because of the deep threads on the tires of the tractor. I never do anything half way. After moving the tractor along, he then filled in the divots left by the tires. He’s so used to my misadventures that he doesn’t even shake his head, although I would bet the house there was some fancy eye-rolling going on under that cap of his.