My Life is like an episode of “I love Lucy!” I’m a writer, book reviewer, and a Southern Lady who loves her Sweet Tea. My blog, My Life. One Story at a Time. is where I’ve been writing short stories since 2009. It is a place where books, organizing, planning and life with German Shepherds and a retired cop all collide. As luck would have it, the very first short story I wrote was published within months of my writing it. Welcome to My Life!
You may contact me at
This quote pretty much sums me up: “Deep in my heart, I know there’s no promise I’ll be free from trouble in this life. In fact, I’m usually either getting out of trouble, currently in trouble, or about to meet trouble around the next corner.” Well, you know that old saying, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions” – that road is usually the one I’m on!
And, as much I used to mock (we all grow up eventually) the Cajun dialect, 19 years ago, I found myself marrying the sweetest Cajun boy – complete with the requisite white trawl boots and a trawl boat. He was also a Louisiana State Trooper, since retired.
I love writing stories about the South and life with our two German Shepherds, and the four kids who meander in and out of our lives as they live their own journeys.
I am fortunate to live along one of the lazy bayous that run through South Louisiana. For the most part, life is quiet, but then again, you never know. When I’m out running around, all sorts of things are apt to happen and then new stories appear on my blog. I try to have fun with my posts.
Most days you’ll find me out on the front porch swing, with the dogs at my feet, a tall glass of sweet iced tea close by, and a good book. It’s what life in the South is all about.
But, life is not always a bed of sweet-smelling roses. I am an alienated parent.
Additions to the page –
Feb. 22, 2011 – We have added two new members to our family; Ryka Vom Nobleheim -a nine-year-old West German Shepherd and Calypso -sometimes referred to as Monkey-, a six-year-old West German Shepherd. There will plenty of stories and pictures as our canine adventures begin.
October 2011 – After Calypso slipped out of the gate and crossed a busy highway before being captured by Hubby, I signed us up for obedience classes at Pet Smart. It has been an adventure I will not soon forget -and others too I’m sure.- We are making progress, a little at a time.
November 2011 – We successfully completed our training and we do listen a tad better – but, in the words of the breeder – when dogs have
a large yard, the yard becomes boss. So, we don’t venture out and the extent of their “bye-bye” is a ride in the wagon or I sometimes pick them up as I come through gate and they get to ride down the driveway.
January 2012 – Calypso had her one year birthday. She is a dog that loves life – loves chasing her tail, the dragonflies, Ryka, 4-wheelers… Ryka is ever the lady. She tolerates a lot from Calypso and every now and then puts her in her place. They are both lovable dogs and love to give and receive affection. Life is happy on the farm.
October 2013 – I haven’t updated in a long while. Ryka and Calypso are as lively as ever. Calypso is now almost 3 years old and Ryka is 6. I have posted the first chapter of my memoir. If you are interested, just hover over My Story in the headers and a menu will appear.
Hi Donna,
I came over from Darlene Foster’s blog. Darlene and I were both contributors to the same anthology last year and have *met* as a result of it. My first YA novel was published a few years back and I’m hard at work on another one. As you can imagine I’m a also a book lover. There’s never a time when I’m not reading something. Haven’t taken the plunge and bought an ereader though, but one never knows what the future holds in store. You can find my blog @ come over and visit if you get the chance.
I have nominated you for the award please have a look as given below;
Thank you
Hi Donna
I’ve been nominated for the BookerAward and in turn I’ve nominated you too. I’m not too sure of its legitimacy, or where it came from, but I pass it on to you in the spirit of friendship. The details are on my blog
Thank you. That was so sweet of you.
I nominated you for the Inspiring Blogger Award!
I was browsing and fund you and glad I did keep up the great wrok
Thank you so much Jackie for stopping by. Hope you’ll be back to visit. Donna